Sunhee Kim Jung
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The kind of art I create are expressions of my feelings. I am a very visual person so I tend to see and interpret the world through images. So, communication or expression through my paintings and other art is natural and comfortable for me. The subjects of my works are to provoke thought and provide peace and joy to viewer's heart.

I am inspired by the wonders of nature. I paint plants. And since I'm a visual person, I appreciate what God has created all around us; the colors and images all around us evoke emotions that make me want to capture and share with others. I see the world in a positive light despite the ugliness. I guess you can say I am an optimist.

When I see the plants, I see 2 major things. It's Color and form. We react differently to different color and different shapes and forms. How we react can be damaging or healing. I believe in this power so I choose my colors and forms carefully as I want my work to have healing qualities for the soul.

I create my work to give peace and joy to one's heart. This is what I get when I paint plants. There are beautiful images all around us and as I identify them, I capture them and interpret them onto the canvas. Why painting? The soft gliding effect of oil brushed onto the canvas transforms me into a free spirit with limitless boundaries.

I continue to experiment with colors, which express my deepest thoughts. My inspiration comes from my desire for our world to be a world of peace, where there is only beauty in everything.

As I teach The Theory of Color at the Anne Arundel Community College and I realized how much certain color affects to the viewer in terms of the inter-relationship of its hue, value, and saturation to human feeling. The way in which I develop my color field is to portray soldiers' free organic form and put another layer of meticulously spaced lines onto it. I combine organic shape and geometric one, objective coloring and subjective impregnation of it in my work.

I believe all colors have many different faces. Each viewer can perceive and feel each color differently. A color can be light or dark and the intensity of each color is different as well. By this I mean when color is bright or dull. In the current series of work, I painted leaves which I believe to have lives similar to human lives. There are leaves of different ages both young and old. To portray this I use bright colors, dull colors, light colors and dark colors. A life of a human has ups and downs. In relation to these moments of feeling, I tried to focus on showing many shades and feelings that the leaves have. Every color has meaning. Colors in the leaves have many different values and intensities, just as human beings do. None of the colors used are used more than once in Island series.

© 2023 Sunhee Kim Jung